Committee Meetings are scheduled for 3:45pm at Local 839
Our Monthly Meeting takes place on the second Saturday every month at 10:00am.
Relief Committee meetings are held on an as-needed basis. Please verify with chair.
Those interested in attending or joining a committee should email President Darius Williams at

What are Committees?
A committee is a team of individuals within an organization appointed to manage specific responsibilities or focus areas. Committees are often established to tackle ongoing issues, special projects or strategic initiatives.

Organizing Committee
The ultimate goal is to find unique ways to engage the membership in a way that shows value to non-members in an effort to internally organize. Through education, activities, and events, we aim to prove that true strength is represented in numbers.
Community Service
This committee advocates for charitable endeavors. Volunteers support community service.
Veterans’ Committee
The Veterans’ Committee’s primary goal is to ensure veteran members, and their families receive comprehensive support and care.
Young Machinist(s)
The Young Machinist(s) Committee aims to familiarize New Machinist(s) with the value of a Union dollar and what that means to the membership. Promoting involvement through education in an effort to motivate New Machinist(s) to become involved in their union and their community.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee is primarily responsible for the content and character of our website and the materials that are posted and shared on social media platforms. Also performs any other activities or responsibilities as may be delegated to the committee by the Executive Board.
Bylaws Committee
To ensure our governing documents represent the ever changing landscape of organized labor, this committee is designed to ensure operations are aligned with the current IAM Constitution.
Women’s and Human Rights
Women’s Rights encompasses political, legal, economic and social equality, including voting, education, equal pay, reproductive rights and freedom of movement. The Human Rights group identifies and exposes human rights violations through data collection, analysis, and publication, raising public awareness and advocating for change.
MNPL & Legislative
The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League (MNPL) serves as the IAM’s political division, enabling members to pool individual donations, coordinate political initiatives, and support candidates who champion IAM members’ and their families’ interests.
Angel Tree
The purpose of the Angel Tree program helps provide Christmas gifts for hundreds of thousands of children around the country each year.
Relief Committee
This committee provides assistance to members that may have experienced a catastrophic event that resulted in financial hardship.
Building and Grounds
The purpose of the Buildings and Grounds ensures the maintenance and preservation of grounds, buildings, and equipment, evaluating possible future demands and upgrades to existing facilities.